Thursday, March 20, 2025

E160: Cozy Fantasy with Julie Leong


Today I welcome Julie Leong to the show to discuss the wildly popular subgenre, Cozy Fantasy. We chat about Julie’s book, THE TELLER OF SMALL FORTUNES, as well as the history of Cozy Fantasy, our earliest experience reading the subgenre, and we offer some wonderful book recommendations, listed below:

Friday, March 14, 2025

E159: The Gothic Novels of Emily Carpenter

Today I welcome Emily Carpenter to the show to discuss her new book GOTHICTOWN, as well all her previous gothic novels. We chat about her books in context with beloved gothic tropes, characters and settings, like isolation, creepy towns, and the American south.

GOTHICTOWN is on sale March 25th, so get your preorders in now!  

Friday, March 7, 2025

E158: True Crime and the Real Hester Prynne with Kate Winkler Dawson


Today I welcome journalist, professor and true crime podcaster, Kate Winkler Dawson, to the show to discuss her new historical true crime book, ALL THE SINNERS BOW: TWO AUTHORS, ONE MURDER, AND THE REAL HESTER PRYNNE. We discuss the 1832 murder of Sarah Maria Cornell and how that murder inspired Nathaniel Hawthorne to write The Scarlett Letter, as well as the research into both the murder and the writing of FALL RIVER, the first American true crime book written about this murder in 1833. 

Kate Winkler Dawson has three True Crime podcasts, one of which is retired and folded into the other. Here are the links to listen: 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

E157: Emily Wilde and the Fairies of Heather Fawcett

Today I welcome Heather Fawcett to the show to talk about her Emily Wilde series. These beloved books are about a Cambridge professor who specializes in the study of fairies. This cozy fantasy trilogy has been at the forefront of this subgenre since the first novel, “Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries,” came out a few years ago. The third book, “Emily Wilde's Compendium of Lost Tales,” was released February 11th and has Emily studying the faery realm as their queen.

Books mentioned in our conversation include two books by Suzanna Clark, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell and The Ladies of Grace Adieu. She also mentioned The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

E156: Cottagecore Movies with Liz Parker


Surprise! A NEW BONUS EPISODE! Today I welcome Liz Parker back to the show to talk about Cottagecore Movies. I really needed a break from the world, so I wanted to do an episode that felt like a warm hug. This also came just in time for Liz’s upcoming book, THE OTHER MARCH SISTERS, which she co-wrote with Linda Epstein and Ally Malinenko, from the point of view of the other March sisters in LITTLE WOMEN. It comes out February 25th, so get your preorders in while you enjoy the show!

Movies included in our discussion include:
  • Practical Magic
  • Cold Mountain
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • The Secret Garden
  • Chocolat
  • Little Women
  • Sense and Sensibility
  • The Secret of Roan Inish
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • Wicked Little Letters
  • The Holiday
  • Steel Magnolias

Thursday, February 13, 2025

E155: Spicy Cozy SciFi and Fantasy Books by Kimberly Lemming


Today I welcome Kimberly Lemming to the show to talk about her work, including a new science fiction romcom series that begins with I GOT ABDUCTED BY ALIENS AND NOW I’M TRAPPED IN A ROMCOM. We also discuss her previous cozy fantasy romcom series that began with THAT TIME I GOT DRUNK AND SAVED A DEMON. We chat about maintaining her voice across genre, and what folks are seeking when reaching for these distinctive titles. Please note that there is a sound fluctuation for the first ten minutes of the show, so please excuse that and enjoy the chat because Kimberly Lemming is a smart and fun delight that I know you’ll enjoy. The three authors Kimberly recommended are Lexi Esme, Regine Able, and Ella Maven. I also mention Ruby Dixon's Bull Moon Rising

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

E154: Gothic Fantasy with Hailey Piper

Today I welcome Hailey Piper to the show to discuss Gothic Fantasy. Hailey knows this genre blend well, as the author of several books that do this work, including her new book ALL THE HEARTS YOU EAT, and her upcoming 2025 release, A GAME IN YELLOW. We chat about elements that define this subgenre, our earliest interest in Gothic Fantasy, and we give some recommendations, listed below: